1) Does your school address attendance?
1a) Does your school have an attendance team?
1b) Does your school's attendance team meet weekly?
1c) Does your school have a high rate of chronic absenteeism (above the NYC average of 19%)?
1d) Does your school's attendance team discuss chronic absenteeism?
2) Does your school have staff training on attendance?
3) Do teachers and school staff discuss attendance with parents?
4) Does your school have resources to discuss attendance with students?
Health Barriers to Learning
1) Does your school refer students and families to health services in your community?
2) Does your school discuss the importance of a medical home with families?
3) Does your school have a school nurse?
4) Does your school have a school-based health center?
5) Does your school conduct schoolwide vision screening?
6) Does your school conduct hearing screening?
7) Does your school have programs that address asthma?
8) Does your school conduct oral health screening?
9) Has your school implemented breakfast in the classroom?
10) Does your school have a mental health provider who sees students regularly (other than a school counselor)?
11) Does your school have resources to discuss health and issues with parents?
12) Does your school discuss the relationship between health and education with teachers and staff?
13) Does your school discuss health and health issues with students?
1) Does your school have a classroom-based social-emotional learning curriculum?
2) Does your school have an intervention in place to meet the needs of students who may experience trauma?
3) Does your school train teachers about how trauma impacts learning?
4) Does your school have resources to help families understand the impact of trauma?
5) Are teachers at your school trained to use physical activity breaks in the classroom?
6) Does your school have stress management/mindfulness tools for students?
7) Does your school have consistent positive messages for communicating with parents?